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FPIC meetings between AFV, Aritana Institute, Fiocruz and the peoples of Upper Xingu

On August 23, 2022, Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) meetings were held at Posto Leonardo (Upper Xingu) to present and discuss the implementation of the Upper Xingu Health Connection: Strengthening Indigenous Primary Care Networks project promoted by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), in partnership with the Rainforest Organization (AFV) and the Aritana Institute.

On this occasion, several caciques, chiefs, indigenous health workers and teachers of the Yawalapiti, Kalapalo, Matipu, Nafukuá, Waurá and Aweti peoples participated.

FPIC meetings Fiocruz AFV project 2022

FPIC meetings Fiocruz AFV project 2022

The five pillars of the project were presented: information; communication; training of indigenous health workers; advocacy for the implementation of human rights and indigenous peoples' rights; community participation; as well as its objectives and planned activities.

FPIC meetings Fiocruz AFV project 2022

After listening carefully to the comments of the indigenous peoples and having lengthy conversations about the project, the health situation in the region, and the participation of the peoples in the decision-making process, the participants approved by consensus the project, which will be implemented starting September, with AFV’s logistical support.

FPIC meetings Fiocruz AFV project 2022


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