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indigenous culture transmission

Brazilian Indigenous history starts between 17,000 B.C and 13,000 B.C., a time during which North-Asian migrants crossed the Bering Strait. Prior to the arrival of the Europeans in 1500, there were circa 2,000 tribes and tens of millions of indigenous people speaking hundreds of different languages.

Indigenous culture was, and still is, transmitted orally. But times are changing: most tribes have had  a first contact with modern civilization and western culture is spreading quickly among them. In the Xingu Territory, it is estimated that there is a television set in one household out of two. Most adults have a smartphone and are active on social networks. Meanwhile, there are only seven people alive that still speak the Yawalapiti language. Culture loss is therefore a real concern among all the Xingu tribes.

AFV coopera com organizações indígenas para a salvaguarda do patrimônio cultural tangível e intangível da TIX. AFV também promove programas de intercâmbio para estudantes locais e internacionais, bem como para pesquisadores, para promover o diálogo intercultural e a transmissão da cultura indígena.


Para salvaguardar a cultura indígena do TIX, a AFV busca fomentar a produção artística e o registro, coleta e centralização de seus conhecimentos ancestrais por meio de uma biblioteca e centro de mídia. Além disso, como parte do programa de restauração ecológica, são realizados esforços para identificar, registrar e promover a medicina tradicional.

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indigenous culture transmission

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Cause of the indigenous populations of Amazonia, Protection of the biodiversity of the rainforests, Manage and defend tropical forests, Monserve ancestral lands cultures of indigenous peoples, Ecological restoration lands of indigenous peoples, Aritana Institute, Ecological restoration programCulture TransmissionForest protectionHealthEducation and training program, News,

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